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Kazakhstan will make a full transition to BIM-technology by 2023

Kazakhstan will finally switch to BIM technologies by 2023. A year earlier, in 2022, the executive models will be put into operation. This was announced at a meeting of the Commission on pricing in the construction industry of the CIS countries by Alexander Shakhnovich, managing Director for digitalization and development of KazNIISA.

— In 2017, by order of the Committee for construction and housing, the concept of implementing information modeling technology in industrial and civil construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. The main goals of the concept are: to increase the competitiveness of the industry, to form a forecast of the costs of building operation, to provide state customers with access to information models of construction projects financed by state funds, and to use new technologies for management and control by administrators of budget programs. It is expected that BIM technologies will be implemented in three main stages. The first one is now coming to an end. It lasted from 2017 to the current year. We are completing the development of the main set of regulatory documents for the use of information modeling technology for construction projects (TIMSO). The second transition period will begin in 2020. It is assumed that all technologically complex objects (large administrative buildings and objects with a large crowd of people) will be designed only using TIMSO. In the next period, from 2022, we will transfer this information from design through construction to operation. I think that Kazakhstan will finally switch to new technologies in 2023 — ” the expert said. Shakhnovich also reported on the development of a specialized classifier that divides a building into functional systems: product and location aspects, and functional aspects. Thus, each element of the building (roof, walls, floors, and ground system) will be classified according to its technical and functional purpose. In addition, the classifier will be combined with the resource cost method, which is used in construction estimates, by the end of 2019.

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