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Kazakhstan will start using information modeling in construction

Digital technologies are incredibly changing our lives – yesterday’s idea in a short time becomes a new standard, a reference point for the next breakthrough in a particular industry. The real digital breakthrough began in Kazakhstan, which will forever change one of the most conservative sectors of the national economy – construction.

Already in 2018, Kazakhstan is planning to officially approve a strategic document based on BIM technologies. “The concept of implementation of information modeling technology in industrial and civil construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was considered by the Committee for construction and housing of the Ministry of investment and development of Kazakhstan, discussed by the expert community of Kazakhstan.

The document was authored by experts of the information modeling Center of the Kazakh research and design Institute of construction and architecture (KazNIISA).

The developers of the document themselves interpret building information modeling (information modeling in construction – English, BIM) as “the use of a common digital representation of a construction object to assist the design, construction and operation processes in forming a reliable basis for decision-making.” Roughly speaking, paper work at the design and construction stage of a building is reduced to zero, and all processes are transferred to a digital environment, which all interested parties have constant access to: from the customer and architect to contractors and, for example, fire protection specialists. To simplify it completely, this is the process of collecting and managing all relevant information about a construction site. It should be understand that BIM is not an ordinary 3D-modeling, but a full-fledged solution that brings together and processes a huge array of data on the building object.

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